HRV Results from 2021 Crossfit Games Championship


In a recent article from The Morning Chalk Up, Whoop released the HRV data of women’s individual competitor Haley Adams and the winners of the team championship Crossfit Mayhem.

The most fascinating takeaways were:

  1. For Haley, a decrease in HRV score correlated to a drop in performance

  2. Crossfit Mayhem’s HRV scores dropped substantially the day after the competition ended, meaning their bodies were still in fight or flight mode even after the competition had concluded.

In a recent episode of the Fitness, Wellness, and Longevity Podcast with Scott Hagnas, Scott and I covered exactly what HRV measures. Here are 3 minimally invasive and simple ways to get you back into a ready state:

  1. Consume quality calories-After hard training sessions, the body is broken down and in need of repair. Having adequate fuel allows for the body to repair more quickly. In addition, the gut produces most of the bodies serotonin, the bodies feel good hormone, which will get the body back into a more rest and digest state.

  2. Keep Magnesium Levels In Check-Magnesium is a mineral that’s integral to the processes of the nervous system. Unfortunately, magnesium tends to be on the lower side in conventional western diets, so supplementing with a broad spectrum magnesium is essential to recovery,

  3. Practice Mindfulness-Getting yourself back into a calm state requires you to remove the stressful stimulus. Getting out of the gym, off your phone, and focusing on the present moment creates a more calming environment for the body. Add in breathing relaxation technique, and you will be back into a ready state in no time.

Looking for additional guidance in the recovery process? I'm here to help. Click the link below to get started today!